Index of download/src
complete development environment
(gziped 1.9 MB)
It contains allmost everything (except the cdtools).
cdtools 1.2
(gziped 16 kB)
It contains the following program (and all needed libraries):
make-data-cd: Perl script to create a data CD
ft: Fourier Transformation program
(gziped 192 kB)
corr/mlscorr: Correlation programs
(gziped 200 kB) It contains the following programs (and all needed libraries):
corr: calculate a correlation from a WAV file
mlscorr: calculate a fast correlation from a MLS WAV file
gensig: generate test signals
(gziped 227 kB)
development environment for WAV tools
(gziped 254 kB)
It contains the following programs (and all needed libraries):
wav2text: convert WAV file into text file
wavavg: extract and average part of a WAV file
wavbitred: reduction of bit size of a WAV file
wavcut: cut and paste WAV files
wavinfo: print information about WAV fil
wavspec: plot spectrum of audio (wav, mp3, mp+, ogg, pac) file
wavstat: plot statistical data of audio (wav, mp3, mp+, ogg, pac) files
development environment for MPEG tools
(gziped 127 kB)
It contains the following programs (and all needed libraries):
mpegcut: cut and paste MPEG (MP3) files
mpeginfo: print information about MPEG files
development environment for MIDI tools
(gziped 118 kB)
It contains the following programs (and all needed libraries):
stripsysex: strip leading and following 0xf8 bytes from MIDI file
development environment for calctoc
(gziped 115 kB)
I/O Library
(gziped 79 kB)
Math Library
(gziped 31 kB)
STL Library
(gziped 28 kB)
Electronics Library
(gziped 56 kB)
C-Utilities for C++ Library
(gziped 30 kB)
C++ Unit Test Library
(gziped 34 kB)
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